Refinishing an Outdoor Table

Thursday, May 7, 2015

So I was all ready to show how I refinished this table that I posted on Instagram a while back and tell you about these lovely copper casters I was about to add to it.  And how much I love copper with grey and wood. Only to discover that the legs on this table are rotted out at the base!  I guess I waited too long to add the casters.  The table legs have wicked up water and rotted out.  So my beloved table is headed to the trash...unless I can find some replacement legs.  Somebody help me please!

Well let me, at least, tell you the story of this table.   I love the look of a long farm table outside, but I don't know where you can buy one.   So a couple of years ago, I built one from the legs of an old table I spotted roadside.  This year the top needed refinishing, so I decided to bite the bullet and "get 'er done" for the spring.

I used the Helmsman Spar Urethane last year, but it began to crack and lift over the winter.  So I sanded off the worn, peeling finish.  

After wiping it clear, I reapplied stain. 

And finally another coat of polyurethane, and it was back in business! 

Or so I thought.  I found out the legs are no good.  So now, if I can't hunt down some new ones, it's unfortunately going into the trash.

Looking on the bright side, Sarah and Karl are back!  And they are so beautiful!

I have to share later what else I've been up to in the garden.  

What spring projects have you had on your list?

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